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Will a product fit, even if the name is different than my device?Updated a year ago

If a device name is stated in the webshop, we cannot guarantee that it fits another model, unless this is specifically stated. While the dimensions and cutouts for camera and such might be similar, there can still be milimeter differences that will be problematic, as well as button placements that differ.

As such we can only recommend that you buy a product for the exact model you have.

Also, we recommend that you pay close attention to the year the phone was released. This is usually
stated in the product name as well. For example, P Smart and P Smart 2019 are vastly different models,
and the cases for one won’t fit the other.

The easiest way to check your phone's model name and number is to use the phone itself. Go to the
Settings or Options menu, scroll to the bottom of the list, and check 'About phone', 'About device' or
similar. The device name and model number should be listed.

Check out these articles for a more in-depth treatment of the subject of device models:

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